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Our team



Leading our presence on social media and the world, the marketing team is responsible for communicating the best of Hanzo to our entire audience, from new products, trade events, new partnerships, corporate meetings, and the constant growth that Hanzo is experiencing and his collaborators.



Responsible for constituting a direct link between our products and customers, the sales department aims to reach the best agreement so that our customers can gain a position in the automotive market with Hanzo and its premium motorcycle parts.



Those who keep our equipment and facilities in optimal working order, the technical department, give us the security of working in a space without errors or setbacks, all in favor of continuing to offer you the best service and the best products.



To guarantee the compliance and effectiveness of our operations, the financial department supports us with all cash control and optimization of working capital management. A very important team that drives us to continue improving.



Keeping us moving is our mission, and our logistics team knows very well, that thanks to its correct reception and storage of Hanzo products, we can deliver premium spare parts in perfect condition and ready for marketing.



Passionate about fulfilling shipments in the shortest possible time, our transportation team is trained and oriented to deliver premium Hanzo spare parts to wherever they are required.

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