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Our story
Discover what makes Hanzo much more than a spare parts brand. Our history is made up of our mission and our professional team that strives every day to continue advancing and get closer to our vision, without losing sight of our values and principles.

The brand that

keeps you moving

We are a brand created by motorcycle enthusiasts. Passionate about innovation, quality, and detail, we have developed premium spare parts to maintain the maximum performance of the wide range of motorcycles that exist in the world.

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Company Philosophy

“Keep Rolling” is our slogan and brand philosophy, on and off the roads, we strongly maintain the belief of continuing to advance through our goals and achievements.

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Our mission

Keep you moving towards your destination, with all the strength, security, and passion we have for motorcycles. We are on this journey together, and we will be your best co-pilot.

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Our vision

Find ourselves in the top 3 spare parts brands in Latin America, with presence and official distributors in other continents by 2030.

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Our team

To keep a brand as passionate as Hanzo moving, it takes a team of professionals and motorcycle enthusiasts who share our principles and values. We invite you to learn more about our Hanzo team.

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Our establishments

Hanzo's main operations headquarters are located in China, from here the reception and distribution of our premium products is carried out throughout the world.

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